Tax Planning

August Market Commentary: Too Late, Again?


Aug 07 July Recap and August Outlook After weeks of Olympic-themed press reports about the Fed “sticking the (soft) landing” and safely guiding the economy to a place where inflation is coming down and growth is holding off recession, one very bad labor report flipped the script. The threat of recession is not just in [...]

August Market Commentary: Too Late, Again?2024-12-13T17:21:11+00:00

Fixer-Upper or Money Pit?


Jul 15 The combination of a strong housing market, high mortgage rates, and meager inventory is forcing some would-be homebuyers to settle for less in the home or neighborhood they prefer. But others are approaching the homebuying process with an entirely different mindset. Buying a home in less than move-in condition, or one that requires [...]

Fixer-Upper or Money Pit?2024-12-13T17:16:41+00:00

July Market Commentary A Disinflationary Trend Re-emerges


Jul 08 June Recap and July Outlook At the FOMC meeting in mid-June, the story was the drop in expectations for multiple rate cuts in 2024 to potentially only one rate cut later in the year. However, positive data around inflation and labor markets appears to have counteracted market pessimism about the cautious nature of [...]

July Market Commentary A Disinflationary Trend Re-emerges2024-12-13T17:26:19+00:00

Marriage and Money: A Newlywed’s Guide to Joint Finances


May 31 Getting married is a milestone unlike any other. It signifies partnership and shared responsibility, now and in the years ahead. Joint decision-making on everything from dinner plans to where you will live, and what your family will look like in the years to come, is at the core of a successful marriage. [...]

Marriage and Money: A Newlywed’s Guide to Joint Finances2024-06-28T18:59:27+00:00

June Market Commentary A Fragile Balance at the Mid-Point of the Year


Jun 07 May Recap and June Outlook May saw a return to more confidence in the economy and the markets. The Fed met early in the month, and Chairman Powell managed to curb market pessimism by stating that it was unlikely that the Fed’s next move would be a rate hike. The reversal of the [...]

June Market Commentary A Fragile Balance at the Mid-Point of the Year2024-06-12T02:24:45+00:00

Keeping Seniors Safe From Financial Scams


Apr 30 The “Sandwich Generation” are Gen-Xers and older Millennials who are raising children while also helping their Boomer parents navigate aging. There’s a lot to think about, plan for, and organize, but one of the things that can be overlooked is keeping them safe from financial pitfalls. This older generation has embraced technology in [...]

Keeping Seniors Safe From Financial Scams2024-05-29T21:45:49+00:00

May Market Commentary: A New POV Takes Hold


May 08 April Recap and May Outlook April had it all, and most of it was not so great. Inflation is proving sticky again, which forced the market and the Fed to reassess the timing of interest rate cuts. Conflicts intensified in Ukraine and the Middle East, and in the U.S., protests on college campuses [...]

May Market Commentary: A New POV Takes Hold2024-05-10T16:30:40+00:00

The Five Key Components of Financial Literacy


Mar 30 Having a good understanding of the building blocks of your financial success can help you in many ways on your financial journey. Taking the time to think through the various areas of finances ahead of time, before issues arise, and then make a plan and follow through is the foundation of a successful [...]

The Five Key Components of Financial Literacy2024-04-18T15:16:02+00:00

April Market Commentary What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been


Apr 05 March Recap and April Outlook Among the more interesting bits of Jerome Powell’s testimony to Congress last year was his admission that he’s been a Grateful Dead fan for 50 years. In his comments at the press conference at the March FOMC meeting, he affirmed that we will see rate cuts this year, [...]

April Market Commentary What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been2024-04-11T21:28:02+00:00

Women and the Changing Financial Landscape


Feb 29 Wealth transfers from one generation to the next don’t usually make the news, but everything about the baby boomers has always been newsworthy because of the sheer size of this mid-20th-century generation. The unique circumstances they were born into included societal change and financial opportunities to build wealth through better jobs, pensions, a [...]

Women and the Changing Financial Landscape2024-03-21T15:45:06+00:00

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Liberty, Missouri 64068

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