Fee Only Financial Planning

The Five Key Components of Financial Literacy


Mar 30 Having a good understanding of the building blocks of your financial success can help you in many ways on your financial journey. Taking the time to think through the various areas of finances ahead of time, before issues arise, and then make a plan and follow through is the foundation of a successful [...]

The Five Key Components of Financial Literacy2024-04-18T15:16:02+00:00

April Market Commentary What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been


Apr 05 March Recap and April Outlook Among the more interesting bits of Jerome Powell’s testimony to Congress last year was his admission that he’s been a Grateful Dead fan for 50 years. In his comments at the press conference at the March FOMC meeting, he affirmed that we will see rate cuts this year, [...]

April Market Commentary What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been2024-04-11T21:28:02+00:00

Women and the Changing Financial Landscape


Feb 29 Wealth transfers from one generation to the next don’t usually make the news, but everything about the baby boomers has always been newsworthy because of the sheer size of this mid-20th-century generation. The unique circumstances they were born into included societal change and financial opportunities to build wealth through better jobs, pensions, a [...]

Women and the Changing Financial Landscape2024-03-21T15:45:06+00:00

529 Plans and SECURE 2.0: More Flexibility


Mar 19 The cost of college has skyrocketed, and it raises the question of whether the cost/benefit assumptions of a college education should be revisited. The Federal Reserve did just that, with a web feature called “The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates.” This is an interactive, consistently updated series of charts that look at [...]

529 Plans and SECURE 2.0: More Flexibility2024-03-21T15:37:14+00:00

March Market Commentary Perspective on the Economy: Telescope, Microscope, or Kaleidoscope? 


February Recap and March Outlook Depending on your focus, the story the recent economic data is telling may be different. But one point of view has been remarkably consistent this year: the market does not seem to care about any of it. February saw the S&P 500’s first break through the 5,000 ceiling, and there [...]

March Market Commentary Perspective on the Economy: Telescope, Microscope, or Kaleidoscope? 2024-03-08T16:23:26+00:00

January Market Commentary: Is Rate Relief In Sight?


Jan 08 December Recap and January Outlook   The drama around the timing of the Federal Reserve’s first cuts to the key short-term interest rate continued in last few weeks of the old year and into the first week of the new year. Two months of slowing labor market data, coupled with a change to [...]

January Market Commentary: Is Rate Relief In Sight?2024-01-11T20:11:08+00:00

Planning for Taxes 2024: Inflation Edition


Nov 30 The inflation rate has come down from the forty-year highs we saw in 2022, but it is still elevated. While we are seeing relief on prices, there are some positive impacts of higher inflation. The IRS sets tax brackets, tax deductions, 401(k), and other tax-efficient retirement savings account contribution amounts by pegging them [...]

Planning for Taxes 2024: Inflation Edition2023-12-21T16:51:57+00:00

December Market Commentary Rates: Lower and Sooner?


Dec 07 November Recap and December Outlook   After a year in which Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell managed to hold everyone’s attention – again – here we are waiting for the outcome of the last FOMC meeting of the year. A few weeks ago, with the narrative of rates being higher for longer taking [...]

December Market Commentary Rates: Lower and Sooner?2023-12-08T17:17:21+00:00

Are You Confident About Your Financial Future?


Oct 31 Northwestern Mutual’s annual Planning and Progress Study is out, and the results this year are very interesting. The study examines U.S. adults by generation to understand attitudes and behaviors toward money, financial decision-making, and financial security. Given the volatility of the last year, the results reflect more uncertainty. But they also indicate that [...]

Are You Confident About Your Financial Future?2023-11-22T17:27:03+00:00

November Market Commentary Powell on Rate Cuts: Nope.


Nov 06 October Recap and November Outlook The Federal Reserve’s November meeting went as the market expected: no change in rates. What wasn’t expected was the October and early November rollercoaster of bond yields. And by rollercoaster, think Kingda Ka. The ten-year U.S. Treasury yield was briefly above 5.00% during the month. The last time [...]

November Market Commentary Powell on Rate Cuts: Nope.2023-11-09T21:14:11+00:00

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