Ok, so you’re beginning to think that maybe you need or want a financial advisor. You hop on to the Internet, all full of excitement and hope, only to find out there are words and letters all over the place that make zero sense. While an in-person chat could help us explain a little more, we thought we’d start with this:


What is a fee-only advisor and why do you want one?


A fee-only financial advisor is paid by the client for services rendered, not for commissions from financial products sold to the client. This means you go into the relationship knowing the fee structure.


Holistic Approach

Fee-only financial advisors typically have a holistic approach towards financial health. We see all of the elements of your finances as a sum of the whole. Sure, investments are a huge part of that. But we also take into account your current financial situation, tax planning, and even charitable strategies to create and implement a plan that will work for you.


No Conflict of Interest

A fee-only financial advisor does not receive any commission from any of the financial products that you purchase. This allows us to have your best interests at heart. It also allows you to trust that whatever products or offerings we bring to the table—they are solely for your financial wealth. Recommending or utilizing certain products for you will never increase our bottom line.



Because we are fee based (not commission based) you get a solid plan of the what, the when, and the why – and specifically, the “how much”. There are no curve balls, no hidden fees, and certainly no kickbacks to us when you take advantage of certain products.


To learn more about our approach, head here https://wswm.net/approach/.