Let’s see a show of hands – who here has big financial goals?


If we were betting people, we’d venture to bet that most of you have your hands raised. That’s good. And we’d also be willing to bet that some of you are struggling with where to even begin. We’re glad you’re here.


It’s time to take some of the guesswork out of financial planning. Achieving these goals takes time and effort, but the reality is—it’s doable. You just have to start. And sometimes starting means taking that first baby step. We’ve compiled our top four tips that anyone can implement right now and be well on their way to their goals.


Get Organized

The pile. Everyone knows what we’re talking about. It forms in various places in households all over the country. The kitchen counter, the dining room table, the office. Wherever it is, it’s time to tackle it. It’s time to create a system for all of it. Imagine a world in which you were never surprised when it was time to file your taxes and you could always locate your receipts and forms. Well, it’s completely possible. We don’t care if it’s shoebox, a filing cabinet, or some sort of fancy system—create a place for these items to live and you’ll be amazed at how much more empowered you feel.


Make a List

There’s power in writing things down. Set weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals. Maybe you want to spend less money on eating out this week, save $100 in the next month, and put more towards your 401K this quarter. The key is setting goals that are small, achievable, and have a time stamp.


Keep Track

We’ve learned that many financial problems begin because people are unsure of where their money is going. Sit down, pull up your bank account or credit card statement, and look over what you spent money on last month. Create categories for clothing, restaurants, groceries, gas, etc. This is usually when certain spending habits (and subscriptions you realize you aren’t even using anymore) become more evident. And this doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Remember, simple is the name of the game. That’s why recommend using a free online budgeting tool, such as Mint.com, to do the heavy lifting for you.


Educate Yourself

There’s no need to head back to college to learn more about finances. If you’re reading this blog, you’re on the right track. Podcasts, other finance blogs, and books are great places to start. The more you know about the finance world, the better off you’ll be.



Want to talk to someone about your financial goals? Head here to book an appointment: https://wswm.net/contact/